Meet multiple requirements with one Hintbox!

With our dynamic form on a no-code basis, companies, institutions and authorities design their whistleblowing system individually and freely, thus fulfilling several (legal) requirements. This fully DSGVO compliant and ISO 27001 certified.

The Hintbox dynamic no-code form

With our dynamic form on a no-code basis, companies, institutions and authorities design their whistleblowing system individually and freely and thus fulfill numerous (legal) requirements. This is fully DSGVO compliant and ISO 27001 certified.

Due to our no-code method, no programming knowledge is required to configure the mask of the whistleblower system. This not only enables an individual query of information or the consideration of special features in the company or authority. The texts can also be designed completely freely. This includes, among other things, different information and clarification texts or data protection notices and declarations of consent. This makes it possible for private companies, institutions and the public sector to fulfill any number of legal requirements and other purposes with one system.

Together with our collaboration feature and the various authorization concepts, companies and authorities can compactly process incoming tips and cases without media disruption in the Hintbox dashboard.

Your advantages at a glance:

✓ You can fulfill numerous purposes in a legally compliant manner with a Hintbox. As a result, you reduce costs and save time.

✓ You configure your different whistleblower masks for any number of purposes quickly and easily without programming knowledge (no-code method)

✓ You process all these cases in the Hintbox case management system (dashboard) using our collaboration feature

✓ You can assign different authorizations for the claim handlers for different purposes or processes, different categories, and/or different companies/entities.

Use cases that can be handled with the no-code form

For example, use the Hintbox with our no-code hint form for the following purposes:

Internal hotlines in accordance with the EU Whistleblower Directive

The EU Whistleblower Directive, which had to be implemented in national law by December 2021, obliges companies and public corporations with 250 employees to introduce internal reporting offices. With the dynamic form, you can individually define which entries the whistleblower should or can make. Likewise, you can freely and individually design the address and the texts. This increases the acceptance of the whistleblower system.

Complaint management of the supply chain due diligence act

The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act obliges companies to introduce a complaints procedure. This complaint procedure must allow individuals to point out human rights and environmental risks as well as violations of human rights-related or environmental obligations. Companies can address these specifics individually with the Hintbox and our no-code feature by customizing the input mask to these specifics. This enables a legally compliant implementation of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act while using the Hintbox for other purposes in parallel.

Collection of data protection requests

Companies, institutions and authorities can also use the Hintbox to record and process data protection requests. The whistleblower mask can easily address the specifics of data protection law. This gives data subjects the opportunity to address their data subject rights, such as information claims, easily and quickly. Data protection officers can process these requests centrally and compactly in the Hintbox dashboard.

Handling of data protection and IT security incidents

Data protection officers, IT security officers and employees can also centrally record IT security or data protection incidents using an input mask that you configure yourself. With the dynamic form, you specify which information must be entered for further processing of the case.

Implementation of a complaint management system according to SGB VIII

Social Code Book VIII (SGB VIII) requires child and youth welfare facilities to introduce a complaints system to safeguard the rights and welfare of children and young people in the facility. Particular requirements apply to children and adolescents. On the one hand, these can be legal peculiarities, such as different requirements for consent under data protection law before a notice is issued. Furthermore, child and youth welfare facilities often wish to "duzen" children and adolescents in the texts. With the dynamic form, this can also be implemented without any problems.

Critical Incident Reporting System (CIRS)

Healthcare facilities, such as hospitals, can use Hintbox to quickly and easily implement the requirements of a CIRS in one system. Hospitals and clinics can easily align their whistleblower mask to the medical specifics, so that with employees and patients a comprehensible reporting channel is provided. This is also possible in one system.

Whistleblower system for authorities

Authorities or regulators can easily meet their legal obligations to provide whistleblowing systems using Hintbox's dynamic input mask. The Money Laundering Act (AMLA), for example, requires supervisory authorities to set up a system for accepting tips on potential or actual violations of the AMLA and other provisions for the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.

Tool to enable praise and criticism for customers and/or employees

With the Hintbox, you can open up a complaints system for your customers and/or employees. This increases customer and employee satisfaction. It can also be used to counteract staff fluctuation by using the complaints received as an opportunity to introduce improvement measures.